Elliot Erwitt has shot advertising images for many years. I believe too, that his work has also been licensed for use in advertising. At any rate, he has been asked in the past to recreate some of his famous images as advertising, say, the kid on the back of the bike with a computer instead of a baguette. What follows are some examples of his advertising work.
I don't even know if the following sort of thing even qualifies as ephemera. It may be a sub-genre so low on the paper-waste scale of our society that it falls under the fish-wrap rubric. Still, I find it interesting and fun.
I'm not intimate with the details of the woman's life but I recall that in her early days, Cindy Sherman didn't like to be photographed, perhaps having to do with not wanting her image to distract from the imagery she created, which in the early days always included herself. Then there was a period when she was married during which she was somewhat reclusive. And finally, divorced in 1999, she began appearing in public.
Which is where this starts: in public, in 1999. What follows are appearances by Sherman in the society pages of New York City publications.
About fifteen years ago or so, there was an ad campaign for Bravo, "the number one paper from Domtar." The design studio hired to do the design work was Emerson, Wajdowicz Studios. It was an extensive campaign including full page ads in Print and other design publications, post card mailings and large brochures (10.5 x 14 inch, 16 pages plus die-cut cover.) To promote the printing capacity of the paper, the campaign used the work of Magnum photographers for reproductions. The brochures are particularly nice, being so large, and featuring the work of one photographer: Bruno Barbey, Antonin Kratochvil, Alex Webb, Larry Towell and Steve McCurry are five that I know of that were featured in these oversized brochures.
Here are four of the postcards from the campaign with photographs by David Alan Harvey. Each is 7 x 5.75 inches.
What follows are announcements for eight of the twenty solo shows that the Laurence Miller Gallery in New York City, have hosted of Ray K. Metzker's work. There is also an announcement for the release of the book Light Lines in 2008.
All are 9 x 4 7/8 inches and printed on stiff card stock, one side only, except where noted. I don't know the date of the first one but it would be between 1998 and 2001.
Here's a gorgeous bit of architectural photography.
In 1972, the Sho Hondo temple at Taiseki-ji, Japan, was completed. It was regarded as an important work of post-war Japanese architecture and was to be the main temple of Nichiren Shoshu, a branch of Japanese Buddhism. The temple was built by Nichiren's lay organization, Soka Gakkai but by 1991, Soka Gakkai had been deemed heretical and stripped of its affiliation and so, the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood had the Sho Hondo temple demolished in 1998.
The following pages are from a book called The Document of Human Revolution, published in 1973 to commemorate the completion of the temple. The first part of the book is a series of documentary photos of the then-president of Soka Gakkai and his family and followers. What follows from there is a large section of architectural photographs by Yasuhiro Ishimoto along with architectural drawings, floor plans and elevations. It's a beautiful production and is of course printed in gravure.